Small Photo Artworks (12"x12")
These images look wonderful in the smaller square format and are easy to place throughout a home.
- The limited-edition metal prints in this section are offered in 12" x 12" format.
- The copyright mark is NOT on the final artwork.
- The printing combination of UV-resistant colors on aluminum makes it possible to hang them outside.
- The photographs come with a wall-cleat, which simplifies the process of hanging them, inside or outside!

California Quail, 12"x12"

Greater Yellowlegs in Profile, 12"x12"

Avocet Mating Dance, 12"x12"

Avocet Pair, 12"x12"

Black-Crown Night Heron Close-Up, 12"x12"

Baby Pelican at Bodega, 12"x12"

Pelicans and Their Pet Frog, 12"x12"

Great Egret at Ellis Creek, 12"x12"

Green Heron, 12"x12"